
Showing posts from June, 2020

People's Poet

Mir Gul Khan is was a prominent legislator, writer, student of history, and columnist from Balochistan, Born on 14 May 1914 in Noshki. Gul Khan Nasir was at the bleeding edge of the Baloch Nationalist Movement and was most active between 1935 to 1980.  Gul Khan showed up in the domain of writing in the mid-1940s during the prime of the Progressive Movement. He was among the couple of dynamic Baloch writers who stayed committed with their belief till their final gasp. Initially, he utilized Urdu as the medium of his poetic expression, however soon he redirected his consideration from Urdu and started inking sonnets in his first language, Balochi.  'Gulbang ', the first collection of his Balochi poetry published in 1951. It is also set apart as the first-ever collection of modern day Balochi poetry. As he drew motivation from the Progressive Movement, the poor laborer who is dispossessed of clothing and footwear, consistently, shows up in his verse for